Are you a wildlife educator or animal caretaker at a rehab center, nature center, museum, zoo, sanctuary, or similar facility working with captive reptiles and amphibians? Would you like to provide naturalistic and aesthetically pleasing displays for your animals but are underfunded and/or not even sure where to begin? Come join our Director of Education, Nicholas Brewster, for a webinar as he goes over how to design and construct your very own zoo-quality displays for your reptile and amphibian ambassadors without breaking the bank. This 2-hour course will cover topics including, but not limited to, enclosure selection, substrates, live plants, aquatic setups, affordable and durable DIY backgrounds and structures, lighting, important things to consider, and more. We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions or concerns before the webinar, please reach out to:
Nicholas Brewster
Director of Education
Aark Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center
(215) 249 – 1938 Ext: 103.